
Career opportunities at NEFF

BSH offers a global network of exceptional people all over the world. We constantly strive to improve. Our primary goals are reliability and continuity, and we are a trusted partner for our consumers and employees.

Become part of the BSH world and come to make life easier with us. Get more information about BSH as an employer here:

Our online job listing is always worth a visit. Please apply for an open position using our online application tool We look forward to getting to know you.


Za registraciju vašeg proizvoda jednostavno se registrirajte na MyNEFF kako biste primili odlične ponude i savjete putem interneta.

Naš servis

Imate kakvo pitanje? Potrebni su vam dijelovi ili pomoć inženjera? Nazovite nas.

Uvijek smo ovdje da vam pomognemo.

Otkrijte NEFF

Ovdje pronađite priče iz kuhinje, recepte i još mnogo inspiracije za kuhanje.