Caffe Leone Super Crema Espresso Coffee Beans00461642
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Caffe Leone Super Crema Espresso Coffee Beans00461642
VAT included
Packing unit: 1 piece
Available for order
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How to find your E-Number
The model number (E-number) is located on the type plate of your device.
Special Features
Caffe Leone Super Crema espresso coffee beans
Lightly roasted blend for a well-balanced taste with thick crema
Superior performance in our free-standing and built-in coffee machines
Italian blend, sourced from different countries
1kg bag
Caffe Leone Super Crema espresso coffee beans
Lightly roasted blend for a well-balanced taste with thick crema
Superior performance in our free-standing and built-in coffee machines
Italian blend, sourced from different countries
1kg bag
Caffe Leone Oro espresso coffee beans also available under part number 00461643
Manual and Documents
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Caffe Leone Super Crema Espresso Coffee Beans00461642
VAT included
Packing unit: 1 piece
Available for order