Her kitchen is her sanctuary

UK Blogger Nicky Corbishley won NEFF UK's first search for the “Next Cookaholic” and has been an inspiration since. Her family recipes range from simple and quick as demonstrated in her YouTube Series "20 minutes or less" to gluten-free dishes, desserts and Asian inspired food.

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Nicky Corbishley

About Nicky

Before working as a food blogger Nicky worked in IT at a big pharma company in the UK when she realised she couldn't wait to get home and get into her kitchen. In 2014 she decided to start her blog, and what began as a hobby, quickly turned into a full-time occupation. Her husband soon followed which allows them both to focus completely on their Kitchen Sanctuary. Nicky is a firm believer of sitting the family down at the table for a home-cooked meal to catch up on the day. Her favourite place? The kitchen of course.

Nicky's Salmon and Lobster Wellington

Nicky's Salmon and Lobster Wellington

Searching for an alternative to the traditional Wellington recipe? Check out Nicky's variation with Salmon and Lobster – an indulgent highlight for a special dinner.

Link to recipe

More of her recipes

More of her recipes

Interested in finding out more about Nicky's recipes? Discover more of her creations here.

Discover all her recipes