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6 Servings

6 Servings

2 medium-sized beetroots

450 g ricotta

1 egg (medium size)

75 g freshly ground parmesan

140 g flour

1 tsp herbal salt

freshly ground black pepper

ground nutmeg

For the workspace: 80 g flour

butter for the baking tray

For the Walnut-Sage Butter:

100 g coarsely chopped walnuts

120 g butter

4 sage leaves

Fresh parmesan

Allergens are marked in bold

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Step 1

Pre-heat oven to 200°C CircoTherm® hot-air system. Place washed beetroots in a fireproof dish and cover with the lid. Alternatively you can use aluminium foil to cover the dish. Bake for 1 hour, then turn the oven off and leave the dish in the remaining heat for another 15 minutes.

Step 2

Step 2

Peel beetroots under running water. Use a scale to measure 200 gr beetroot. Grind finely. Mix with ricotta, egg, parmesan, salt, pepper and spices. Add flour.

Step 3

Step 3

Cover a baking tray with soft butter. Place around 80 gr flour in a mixing bowl. Use two teaspoons to extract just enough dough for each gnocchi – in total it’ll be 90 gnocchi you roll in the mixing bowl with your hands. Place on the baking tray. Dip a fork first into flour and then into the gnocchi to create lines.

Step 4

Step 4

Roast the walnuts in a pan until you can smell them. Add butter and sage leaves and sauté for three minutes until the butter turns lightly brown.

Step 5

Step 5

Steam cook gnocchi at 100°C for ten minutes. Add pepper and serve with walnut-sage butter and parmesan.

Step 6

Step 6

Idea: You can also boil gnocchi in salt water. Form gnocchi and place immediately into boiling water. If you leave them outside, they tend to stick to the surface. After they surface, let them simmer for another two minutes before you ladle them on a plate.

We suggest: NEFF CircoTherm®

We suggest: NEFF CircoTherm®

NEFF CircoTherm® - our smart hot-air solution for simultaneous baking and roasting on several levels.

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