The recipe at a glance:

Ingredients for pull-apart basil bread

15 servings


30 g basil

500 g flour (type 550)

1 tsp salt

¼ tsp sugar

21 g fresh yeast

90 ml olive oil (divided)

300 ml water (lukewarm)

½ lemon


flour (for dusting)

olive oil (for greasing)

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Step 1

Mix the flour, salt, sugar, yeast, and 2 tbsp olive oil in a stand mixer with a dough hook.

Pour in lukewarm water and continue mixing.

Mixing dough with a dough hook

Step 2

Transfer dough to a floured work surface and knead it with your hands until it's smooth and elastic. Grease a large bowl with olive oil, add the dough, cover with a damp kitchen towel, and let rise for approx. 1 hr in your oven on 40°C Dough Proving function.

Putting the dough in the oven for rising

Step 3

Press the dough down with your fist and divide it into 13-15 equal pieces, then roll each piece into a ball. Grease an ovenproof skillet with olive oil and place the dough balls in it. Make sure to leave approx. 1 cm of space between each dough ball. Cover with a damp kitchen towel and let rise for another 30 min in the oven with the Dough Proving function.

Placing the dough balls into a skillet

Step 4

In the meantime, finely chop the basil and add to a bowl with the remaining olive oil (approx. 60 ml), lemon juice and salt, and mix well.

Chopping basil

Step 5

Preheat the oven to 200°C Circo Therm®. Brush the balls generously with about 2/3 of the basil oil. Transfer pan to the oven and bake for approx. 20 - 25 min., or until golden brown. Remove from the oven, brush with the remaining basil oil, and serve. Enjoy!

Removing the golden brown baked basil bread from the oven
Dough Proving Assistant

We suggest: Dough Proving Assistant

This special setting combines very low heat and steam and won’t let the surface of the dough dry out.

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