The recipe at a glance

  • Step 1 Wash and soak the rice
  • Step 2 Cook rice, add chopped ingredients and stir-fry in a pan
  • Step 3 Cut courgettes in half and remove core
  • Step 4 Chop parsley and dill and season to taste with spices
  • Step 5 Fry courgettes and stuff with a spoon
  • Step 6 Bake stuffed courgettes in the oven
  • Step 7 Serve stuffed courgettes with mast-o-khiar, a Persian yogurt with cucumber
Ingredients for Stuffed Courgettes

4 Servings


250g Basmati rice


0.1g saffron

150g butter

50g raisins

50g barberries

2 tsp advieh koresh (or garam masala)

10g slivered almonds

1 bunch dill

1 bunch parsley

2 red onions

1 bunch fresh bay leaves

2 sprigs of rosemary

8 round courgettes

Olive oil

Salt, pepper

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Step 1

Wash and soak the rice

Rinse the rice until the rinsing water turns clear. Add a pinch of salt, cover with several inches of water and soak for 1 hour.

Wash and soak rice

Step 2

Cook rice, add chopped ingredients and stir-fry in a pan

Drain the rice well and bring to a boil in a large pan with around four times the amount of water as rice, then leave to simmer for 3–4 minutes until it is cooked but still retains some bite. Strain through a sieve. Peel and slice the onions. Heat two tablespoons of butter in a wide saucepan and fry the saffron, onions, raisins, barberries, slivered almonds and advieh koresh for around 3 minutes. Add the rice, stir well and take the pan off the heat.

Cook rice, add chopped ingredients and stir-fry in a pan

Step 3

Cut courgettes in half and remove core

Halve the courgettes, removing the cores and adding them to the rice mixture.

Cut courgettes in half and remove core

Step 4

Chop parsley and dill and season to taste with spices

Wash and roughly chop the parsley and dill before adding to the rice. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Chop parsley and dill and season to taste with spices

Step 5

Fry courgettes and stuff with a spoon

Heat a little olive oil in a pan and fry the courgettes, cut side down, until they are golden brown in colour. Fill the courgette halves with the rice mixture, topping each with a knob of butter.

Fry courgettes and stuff with a spoon

Step 6

Bake stuffed courgettes in the oven

Then arrange them on a baking sheet with the rosemary and bay leaves and bake at 170°C Circo Therm® at oven rack position 2 for 30–40 minutes until the courgettes are cooked through and the rice on top is slightly crunchy.

Bake stuffed courgettes in the oven until they are done

Step 7

Serve stuffed courgettes with mast-o-khiar

Serve with mast-o-khiar, a Persian cucumber yoghurt.

Serve stuffed courgettes with mast-o-khiar

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