Author: Nicky Corbishley

Level 2.

60 mins.

Sweet recipe.

Intermediate recipe difficulty.
Approximately 60 minutes.
Sweet recipe.

Serves: 6 | Cooks: CircoTherm® 170°C for 25-30 Minutes | Prep: 40 minutes

Hot Cross Bun bread and butter pudding.


5 hot cross buns
4 or 5 mini hot cross buns (the mini hot cross buns are to fill the spaces in the dish)
3 tbsp unsalted butter
250 ml full fat milk
300 ml double cream
1 tsp vanilla extract
4 egg yolks
100g light brown sugar
2 tbsp cornflour
1 tbsp unsalted butter
150 g dark chocolate, chopped
150g blueberries
70g chocolate chunks

Allergens highlighted in bold.

Step 1 - hot cross bun bread and butter pudding.

Step 1

Grease a large casserole dish (we used an oval 28cmx25cm dish). Slice the hot cross buns in half and butter with the unsalted butter.

Step 2 -hot cross bun bread and butter pudding.

Step 2

Arrange the hot cross buns in the casserole dish and put to one side.

Step 3 - hot cross bun bread and butter pudding.

Step 3

Heat the milk, cream and vanilla extract in a saucepan until almost boiling.

Step 4 - hot cross bun bread and butter pudding.

Step 4

Meanwhile, in a jug, add the eggs, egg yolk, brown sugar and cornflour and stir together. When the milk is almost at boiling point, turn off the heat and add a splash of the hot milk to the eggs whilst stirring with a whisk. Continue to add a splash at a time, whilst stirring until you've used a third of the milk mixture, then pour the rest of the milk into the jug and stir.

Step 5 - hot cross bun bread and butter pudding.

Step 5

Quickly wash the milk pan, then pour the mixture from the jug back into the pan and heat on a medium heat, whilst stirring, until the mixture thickens to thick-cream consistency. Turn off the heat.

Step 6 - hot cross bun bread and butter pudding.

Step 6

Add the butter and chopped chocolate to the pan, and stir until melted.

Step 7 - hot cross bun bread and butter pudding.

Step 7

Pour the custard mixture over the hot cross buns to cover. Leave to soak for 30 minutes and preheat the oven to CircoTherm® 170°C.

Step 8 - hot cross bun bread and butter pudding.

Step 8

Use a spoon to gently scrape any excess chocolate sauce off the top of the hot cross buns (so the crosses can be seen). Sprinkle over the blueberries and chocolate chunks. Place in the oven for 25-30 minutes until the custard has set.

Step 9 - hot cross bun bread and butter pudding.

Step 9

Remove from oven and serve.

Tip: if you want a non-crusty result add low added steam for the cooking duration.

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