The Recipe at a glance

  • Step 1 Preparation: Preheat the oven and make the fruit tartar
  • Step 2 Crush the garlic, chop the shallots and season the fruit tartar
  • Step 3 Prepare the fish
  • Step 4 Cook the Artic char fillets
  • Step 5 Serve the char on a bed of roasted vegetables
Two arctic chars, kiwis, apple, a glas with oil and some parsley on a table.

4 Servings


4 Arctic char fillets, approx. 450g each, scaled

1 green apple

2 kiwis

1 lemon (juice only)

3 shallots

1 clove of garlic

1⁄2 bunch of fresh flat leaf parsley

Extra virgin olive oil

Salt and Pepper

Allergens are marked in bold

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A person finely dicing apples and kiwis on a table beneath some other ingridients.

Step 1

Preheat the oven and make the fruit tatar

Preheat the oven to 180 °C CircoTherm®.

Peel the kiwis and dice finely. Wash the apple and dice finely. Mix these together in a small bowl and pour over the lemon juice.

Did you know: in addition to being a tasty accompaniment for char, lemon juice prevents the apples and kiwi from turning brown.

A person mixing finely diced shallots, kiwis and apples in a plate on a table beneath some other ingredients.

Step 2

Crush the garlic, chop the shallots, season the fruit tartar

Crush the garlic, chop the shallots finely and add to the mixture. Finely chop the fresh parsley and mix it with the fruits. Finally, season the fruit tartar with salt and pepper.

Tip: For a bit more sweetness, add a little honey to the tartar.

A fisch on a baking sheet with diced kiwis, apples and shallots on a table around some other ingredients.

Step 3

Prepare the fish

Line a baking sheet with a piece of parchment paper and brush lightly with olive oil. Place the arctic char on the sheet (if you take fillets skin side down) cover with the kiwi-apple tartar and drizzle with olive oil.

A fish folded in paper benacht a scissor and some other ingredients.

Step 4

Cook the arctic char fillets

Fold the paper, sealing the arctic char into an airtight parcel and cook for 26–30 minutes (if required, allow a further 5 minutes per 450g of fish) in the preheated oven.

A baked arctic char with diced kiwis, apples and charlottes along with lemon slices in a oven dish.

Step 5

Serve the char

Once cooked, serve the char on a bed of roasted vegetables.

Tip: This Arctic char recipe pairs particularly well with blistered cherry tomatoes.

About Arctic char?

Arctic char is a cold-water fish found in arctic, subarctic coastal waters, and alpine lakes. Depending upon the water where it lives, its flesh can range from pale pink to bright red. It is highly prized by chefs for its aromatic flavour. It has firm, low-fat meat. Arctic char have only a few bones, which are also very easy to remove. Arctic char can be steamed, grilled, fried or smoked.

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