4 Servings

Cooks: Grill 5-6 mins per side.

Prep: 45 Minutes


4 lobsters

50 ml clarified butter


Maris Piper potatoes

Beef fat/oil to cook the chips


2 tbsp mustard powder

2 hard boiled egg yolks

125 ml double cream

3 tbsp white wine vinegar

100 ml olive oil




6 lemons


Allergens are marked in bold

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Step 1

Peel and slice the potatoes and portion them into fat cooked chips, then parboil in boiling water until slightly soft. Drain on a flat tray and allow to cool. Then place in the fridge overnight (ideally for 12 hours). Place the lobsters in the freezer 1hr before you start cooking them.

Step 2

Place all of the ingredients for the salad cream in a food processor (except the olive oil) and blitz. Now gradually add the olive oil and when done season. Season, to taste, with salt and freshly ground white pepper.

Step 3

Slice the lobsters in half, clean, and grill in a heavy bottom pan flesh side first for about 1-2 minutes to colour. Then flip and add clarified butter and cook for a further 5 minutes. Drop the chips in the hot fat to cook, drain and season with sea salt.

Step 4

Serve the cooked lobster with some parsley, lemon and watercress to garnish, with the chips and the salad cream as a side.

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John's Food Memory

This was my favourite dish on the menu I prepared for my restaurant. I ordered the lobsters from North Wales, and I served them with my favourite twice cooked chips and my very own salad cream, a very English seasoning which reminds me of my childhood.

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