With research confirming that almost half of today’s grandparents have never cooked with their grandchildren and 44% worry that a lack of cooking skills will harm their health, it’s clear that the older generation is concerned about the potential loss of cooking skills in society. A further 2 out of 3 grandparents say they learned to cook when they were a child and 80% had already learned by the time they were in their early 20s or had left home.

With children today more likely to learn to cook at school than at home, over a quarter of grandparents (26%) worry that they will miss out on feeling the connection with previous generations by following family recipes. NEFF is keen to stop these being lost, so old recipes are being collated and preserved in a digital recipe book.

Furthermore, our research has revealed that up to 2.9m tonnes of food is thrown away by UK households before being cooked. #NEFFKitchenLove aims to discourage food waste by educating the younger generation on how to make tasty meals from leftovers, just as our older generation traditionally would.

NEFF Community Kitchen

Inspiring communities

NEFF continually want to encourage and inspire people of all ages to get closer to their cooking by using the unique Slide&Hide® ovens. Partnering up with environmental charity, Hubbub, along with the support of Howdens, NEFF are extremely proud to have refurbished two community kitchens in Milton Keynes & Haverhill, donating top of the range appliances to both centres.

The aim of the kitchens is to bring local communities together to share a love of cooking with tried and trusted recipes passed down in their family.

< Watch the campaign video here

Woman and child cooking together in NEFF community kitchen

Cooking for all ages

Independent chef, Mark Breen, has carefully designed a 6 week cookery course at each community kitchen for 12 local grandparents and grandchildren to cook together in pairs.

Each weekly cooking class will see grandparents brush up on their own skills whilst their grandchildren will build their knowledge and learn to make some of the community’s favourite recipes but with a modern, healthy spin.

At the end of each session, all participants will sit at the communal table to eat their meals together whilst sparking conversation amongst the group.

NEFF Community Kitchen scene

Share your Recipe legacy

What better way to join the #NEFFKitchenLove community than by sharing your very own favourite recipe or even to seek inspiration to cook something new yourself? Whether it be Grandma’s famous Chicken Hot Pot, Uncle Joe’s hearty cottage pie or Nonna’s creamy lasagne, we want to preserve family favourite recipes for future generations to enjoy and adapt. With this in mind, NEFF has created a digital cookbook to store passed down recipes for all to use.

Click here to share or discover a recipe


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NEFF Slide&Hide®

The only oven with a disappearing door. Gets you closer to your cooking.

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