When heating liquids in the microwave, there is a possibility of delayed boiling. Delayed boiling is when the liquid reaches boiling temperature without the usual steam bubbles rising to the surface. This can cause the liquid to boil over, scalding the user holding it.
Spoon in glass microwave icon

To prevent delayed boiling, put a metal spoon in the container with the liquid in. This absorbs the heat from the microwave and distributes it evenly around the liquid. The spoon must be kept at least 2 cm from the oven walls and the inside of the door. If metal gets too close to the walls, it can cause sparks, which could irreparably damage the glass on the inside of the door.
Can you put metal in the microwave?
We don't recommend putting metal in the microwave, unless you are using a spoon in a glass to heat liquid, and it's at least 2cm from the walls. Tin foil, metal dishes and other metal items can cause cooking problems, as microwaves cause current to flow in metals. Always check your user manual in case of any doubt.