Serves 20

Makes: 20

Cooks: Hob

Prep:15 minutes.


80g flour

¼ tsp salt

½ tsp ground cumin

¼ tsp carom seeds (optional) or dried thyme

100 ml water

20 birds eye chillies

Allergens are marked in bold

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Halloween Chilli Pakoras: Step 1

Step 1

In a bowl mix the flour and the spices and slowly add the water and combine it all well. We need a pancake kind of consistency for this batter.

Halloween Chilli Pakoras: Step 2

Step 2

Take all the chillies and make a cut into them splitting them open at the bottom. This will make sure that they don't burst while frying.

Halloween Chilli Pakoras: Step 3

Step 3

Heat the oil in a frying pan and once it is around 180°C dip the chillies in the batter and then in the hot oil cooking for 2-3 minutes until golden. Make sure to stir them carefully in the oil. Cook until golden brown, drain and serve. These are great warm or at room temperature.

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