Author: Nicky Corbishley
halloween cheeseboard ingredients

Serves: 4-6

Cooks: CircoTherm 190°C for 25-30 minutes
Prep: 30 Minutes

  • 2 fresh beetroot, peeled and sliced into thin rounds
  • 1 large sweet potato, peeled and sliced into thin rounds
  • 2 tbsps vegetable oil
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ½ tsp black pepper
  • 1 x 250g round of camembert
  • 75g blueberries
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 2-3 small bunches of black grapes
  • 3 figs, sliced into quarters
  • 150g fresh cherries or blackberries
  • 150g mixed olives, in oil
  • 200g wedge Stilton cheese
  • 200g wedge Red Leicester cheese
  • 120g mixed salami and prosciutto slices
  • Fresh thyme sprigs to decorate

*Allergens highlighted in bold

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step 1 - halloween cheeseboard

Step 1

Preheat the oven to CircoTherm® 190°C and place wire racks on 2 universal baking pans. Line 2 universal pans.

step 2 - halloween cheeseboard

Step 2

Place the beetroot slices in one bowl and the sweet potato in another bowl. Divide the vegetable oil between the two bowls, and toss the contents of each bowl together, so they’re coated in the oil.

step 3 - halloween cheeseboard

Step 3

Arrange the beetroot and sweet potato slices on the prepared baking trays in a single layer and sprinkle on the salt and pepper. Place in the oven to cook for 20-25 minutes until golden and crisp. Remove from the oven and allow to cool on the tray.

step 4 - halloween cheeseboard

Step 4

Unwrap the camembert and place in an oven-proof bowl (or the base of the wooden box, if it comes in one. If you use the wooden box, you’ll need to place it on a baking tray too). Score little crosses on the top of the camembert.

step 5 - halloween cheeseboard

Step 5

Top the camembert with the blueberries and drizzle on the honey. Place in the oven to cook for 15-16 minutes, until the blueberries start to release their juices.

step 6 - halloween cheeseboard

Step 6

Transfer the camembert to a serving board and add the baked beetroot and sweet potato slices to the board.

step 7 - halloween cheeseboard

Step 7

Arrange the grapes, cherries/blackberries, olives, stilton, red Leicester and the mixed salami and prosciutto slices on the board. Sprinkle on the thyme sprigs and serve.

We suggest: NEFF CircoTherm®

We suggest: NEFF CircoTherm®

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