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4 Pieces

4 Pieces

1 aubergine

1 tbsp sunflower oil

320 g ready rolled puff pastry

4 tbsp coriander pesto

10 sundried tomatoes

150 g mozzarella

50 g mild cheddar cheese

Allergens are marked in bold

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step 1

Step 1

Preheat the oven to 200° C CircoTherm® hot-air system. Thinly slice the aubergines and brush them with the oil. Heat a frying pan or a skillet and cook these slices for 3-4 minutes until golden.

step 2

Step 2

Unroll the pastry on a lightly floured baking tray. Gently score a line around the pastry, 1cm from the edge and also prick the pastry all over with the knife.

step 3

Step 3

Spread the coriander pesto on the inner section of the pastry. Place the cooked aubergine slices all over the pesto, using up all the aubergine.

step 4

Step 4

Now tear the tomatoes and sprinkle on top. Next tear the mozzarella and sprinkle all over. Then grate the cheddar on top to finish.

step 5

Step 5

Bake this for 25-30 minutes until golden. Using a sharp knife cut it into pieces and serve warm with a crunchy green salad or on its own.

We suggest: NEFF CircoTherm®

We suggest: NEFF CircoTherm®

NEFF CircoTherm® - our smart hot-air solution for simultaneous baking and roasting on several levels.

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