Master your favourite classic cocktails. From gin to whiskey and champagne, we have got you covered.

Espresso Martini
40ml vodka
10ml simple syrup
10ml coffee liqueur
25ml espresso
Ice cubes
3 coffee beans for garnish
Allergens are marked in bold

Combine vodka, simple syrup, coffee liqueur, strong espresso and ice cubes in a cocktail shaker. Shake vigorously for 1 to 2 minutes and pour into a chilled martini glass.
Garnish with coffee beans.

Virgin Cosmopolitan
350ml cranberry juice
70ml lime juice
50ml orange syrup
40ml Bitter Aperitiv (non-alcoholic)
Ice cubes
Allergens are marked in bold

Combine all the ingredients in a cocktail shaker and shake vigorously. Pour cocktail into a martini glass filled with ice cubes.

Japan Sour
120ml Rokugin (or any dry gin)
8ml fresh pomelo juice / grapefruit juice
5ml grenadine
2 pomelo zest
2 pomelo slices
4 dashes Angostura bitters
Sugar for glass rim
Allergens are marked in bold

Dip glass rim in a little lemon juice and then sugar.
Combine all the ingredients plus ice cubes in a cocktail shaker and shake vigorously.
Fill a margarita glass with crushed ice and pour the cocktail through a small strainer into the glass.

Old Fashioned
60ml Irish whiskey
10ml simple syrup
3 dashes Angostura bitters
Zest from one orange
Maraschino cherries
Allergens are marked in bold

Combine whiskey, simple syrup and Angostura bitters in a whiskey glass and stir once. Garnish with orange zest and a maraschino cherry.

Champagne Cocktail
100ml Champagne or Cremant
10ml grenadine
1 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp pomegranate seeds
Allergens are marked in bold

Distribute grenadine, lemon juice and pomegranate seeds in Champagne glasses and top up with chilled Champagne or Cremant.