The Ingredient

Hemp plant, one of the oldest crops on Earth, is booming worldwide. No wonder: hemp seeds, the oil and flour are extremely healthy.

For some time now, cannabis has been thought of not only with mind-altering drugs but a plant whose constituent parts – fibres, seeds, leaves, flowers – can be used in versatile ways and for the production of an array of products. For example, the long fibres in its stalks can be transformed into rope or textile products; ethereal oils can be distilled from its leaves and flowers; and aromatic, edible oils can be extracted from its seeds. But in truth, this new awareness of hemp’s benefits isn’t a revolutionary discovery: it’s a rediscovery. Chinese medicine already harnessed hemp’s potential, using its healing power to treat ailments such as rheumatoid arthritis and malaria.

Hemp plant
Superfood hemp

Superfood hemp – a cocktail of vitamins, not drugs

Of course this nutrition-rich plant’s superfood potential hasn’t passed the food industry by. This shouldn’t come as a surprise because hemp contains vitamins and minerals, fibre and antioxidants, as well as polyunsaturated fats omega 3 and omega 6 in abundance. The optimum balance of fatty acids is considered a promoter of good health, which is credited with preventing heart attacks and supporting cell regeneration. A little hint: Hemp in these forms should not be confused with cannabis, due to the absence of psychoactive active ingredients such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Important fact: In the European Union, it is only permitted to farm hemp varieties with less than 0.2% THC. The EU has now certified around 50 types of hemp plant.

Hemp seeds

How can this healthy wonder plant be turned into a culinary delight?

Hemp seeds have a gently weet flavour and perfectly round off muesli, salads and smoothies. The nutty flavoured cold-pressed hemp oil is ideal for the preparation of healthy salads. It shouldn’t be used for cooking because the unsaturated fatty acids disintegrate at high temperatures. Anyone who enjoys baking should try replacing up to 10% of the wheat flour with hemp flour. It’s gluten-free. hemp tea has a beneficial effects for the body and spirit. For all smoothie lovers: the gentle sweet tasting hemp protein powder contains a wealth of nutrients such as vitamin K and iron and is thus the perfect smoothie ingredient.

Hemp is valued not only for its flavour but also its environmental footprint: because it is a hardy and rapid-growing plant, no environmentally damaging chemicals are required to cultivate it.

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